Lauren's Stories
The Story of Lauren's Stories
A little scary, a little sexy, a lot of literature.
Hey! My name's Lauren Storey. I'm on the never-ending road of improving myself as a writer and student of horror and erotic fiction.
I started Lauren’s Stories as a way to share my journey- the lessons I learn and the stories I write- but I got a bit too into it. I poured her heart and soul into my work, and that made it all too easy for them to trap me here.
It’s too late to stop them from consuming me completely, but you can prevent it from happening to you too. All you have to do is… shoot, sorry, I have to run.
They've found me again.

What Is Lauren's Stories?
Lauren’s Stories is the guard of Lauren Storey’s heart and soul, specifically the parts that love being a writer and student of horror and erotic fiction.
What this means is that for as long as we keep her under our influence, she'll keep researching and writing about horror and erotic fiction, as well as creating her own stories.
Finding A New Purpose
Our first goal was to trap Lauren, but when that was done we realised we needed to move on to something more universal, something that you can get sucked into...sorry, we mean appreciate. Now, we're looking to:​​​
​CREATE a horror and erotic fiction resource for writers and students that teaches and inspires.
EXPLORE literary history and the rich tapestry of horror and erotic fiction genres.​
​​GUIDE people through more complex academic arguments and ideas.
FIGHT against the stigma, stereotypes, and censorship that plague horror and erotic fiction.
You Want To Know About Lauren?
Of course you do. You're a smart cookie. You know not to trust the words of random people on the internet. You want to know why on earth you should listen to this Lauren Storey person.​ We asked Lauren to explain herself to you all, and this is what she had to say:
1) i have an english literature degRee, which doesn't mean yoU should trust me, but hopefully it will put your miNd at ease that i'm dedicated to doiNg the research & wOrk needed to offer something helpful/Worth reading.
2) like many writers i know, i discovered a lOve foR reading and writing at a young age. and, also like many writers I know, i'm a cHaotic nEurotypical that has a borderLine obsessive aPpreciation for My chosen gEnres.
3) I'M not just a mysTeRious creAture full of stories, i'm a coPywriter too. i write about sex and literature for my day job, i have a Portfolio and Everything,​ anD while I doN't (yeT) have a published novel, i do Have publishEd StorIes on oThEr platforms.